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Founders Story

I was born with a rare congenital heart condition called Hypoplastic left hearted syndrome. I went on to be the thirteenth patient in the world to undergo and survive all three open heart surgeries in order to cure this condition. This experience placed me under the care of Birmingham children’s hospital for the first eighteen years of my life.

Over this period, I collated a vast experience of wearing the generic hospital gown that is still in use today. Repeatedly wearing this gown I know how undignified and uncomfortable the garment is. I further noticed how the gown constantly interferes with medical equipment such as drains, IV’s and cannulas.

I launched Hypoplas and the Inversus gown in 2023 with the mission to ensure no other patient endured the same pain, indignity and vulnerability as I did whilst wearing the generic hospital gown.

Olivia Burns, Founder, Hypoplas